Changing the Lives of Young
People Through Rowing
Our Board
David Rose – Chair
David is currently a Director with KPMG. David is a mining engineer and a Rhodes Scholar, and has had a successful career in the Australian mining industry. HE also served as a Vice-Chairman of Christ Church Grammar School Council until 2016. David has more than 40 years involvement with the sort of rowing from schoolboy, club and university competition.
His lifetime association with rowing and education has made him acutely aware of the benefit that one provides to the other. David sees Making Waves as the vehicle to make the lifelong benefits of rowing available to the widest possible cohort of Western Australian schools.
Daniel Tackenberg – Managing Director
Daniel has been the CEO at Rowing WA since 2014 and has also been involved with Making Waves since its inception. Daniel has dedicated his professional career to empowering people through sport, working within the sector for the past 25 years.
Through Daniel’s personal experiences through sport and the impact on his own personal growth, he is passionate about providing similar opportunities to those that don’t have access or the means to engage in such life-changing activities.
Simon Cubitt OAM – Director
Simon was formerly a partner for 27 years (and a member for 44 years) of a nationals firm of chartered accountants, practicing as a Registered Company Auditor. He has well developed business acumen and ability at a Board level to be responsible for a not-for-profit entity’s financial governance and he possesses a sound knowledge of strategic planning and corporate governance principles.
Simon has been a Rotarian for over 25 years and is a past President of the Rotary Club of Willeton. At a Rotary district level, Simon is currently the district chair of the programs for the National Youth Science Forum an Young Driver Education. He has been a social and pennant playing member of the Bullcreek Tennis Club for over 25 years.
Luke Simpkins
Miriam Borthwick
She brings to Making Waves skills in strategic communications to assist the program in its aim of establishing a partnership with the Department of Education WA so that rowing becomes an ongoing program in secondary schools in the south east corridor.